Residential Plant Styling - Jan 23 - St Albans
We had the privilege of plant styling a beautiful family home in St Albans.
The brief was to incorporate plants into a newly renovated and perfectly decorated property, the plants were required to compliment the existing interior and not overpower it.
The majority of the plants needed to be easy to maintain but eye-catching but fit with the theme of each room.
Key Design Elements
Indoor Olive Tree
The kitchen/den area was a perfect location for an indoor Olive Tree - these plants can be quite tricky to keep indoors if you don’t have the right conditions but thanks to these huge south-west facing windows, warm floors and tall ceilings we were able to find a home for it. The tree was hand-picked from a British nursery and fits the space perfectly.
Having tree’s indoors instantly add a wow factor to any space and are great ways to develop a natural, inviting feeling to your home.
Plants growing out of the walls
The Bedroom featured this beautiful wallpaper that showcased different types of tropicals in a rainforest environment, naturally this meant a lot of palms. The idea was not to overload the bedroom space with plants but create key areas where the plants were almost growing out of the rainforest into the bedroom.
This was achieved with Kentia palms (which were growing on the paper), a large Bird of Paradise and three hanging baskets featuring trailing plants. All the plants complemented the feature walls without overshadowing them.
Making use of the vertical space
Throughout the house we incorporated taller plants (and plants that will grow tall with time) and also hanging plants. Bookshelves and shelves were adorned with trailing tropicals. In the kitchen we incorporated plants that will trail downwards from the shelves but resist gravity just enough to not get in the way of food preparation.
Statement Plants
Certain areas like this console table in the main living room area benefitted from statement pieces like this Anthurium hybrid. Some other statement plants included a large form Monstera between the hallway and living area and a highly variegated Philodendron Pink Princess.
Planting List
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
Anthurium dressleri x
Monstera deliciosa
Philodendron Pink Princess
Areca Palm
Kentia Palm
Strelitzia nicolai
Ceropegia woodii
Scindapsus pictus
Begonia hatacaoa var rubrifolia
Olea europaea (Olive Tree)
Maranta leuconeura
Tradescantia zebrina
Monstera adansonii
Epipremnum aureum
Hedera helix
Philodendron micans
Philodendron scandens “brasil”
Dracaena marginata
Client Statement
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